台湾是全球科技重镇. 该岛以前以其众多制造业巨头而闻名.g., 富士康, 宏碁, 和华硕), but has recently been dominating the semiconductor space through companies such as TSMC. 作为一个精通科技的市场, 台湾是亚洲最大的游戏市场之一也就不足为奇了, 也是视频和电脑游戏的早期用户. The market’s proximity to 日本 has long paved the way for the latest trends in the industry and market growth is strong. 预计2022年的市场价值为1美元,6.78亿美元,比2015年的9.41亿美元大幅增长. Along with 日本 and China, 台湾 had the biggest global growth in mobile games in Q2 of 2022. 这还不是全部. 游戏市场预计还将再增长4%.到2025年,每年增长7%.


今天,这个数字超过了14.在台湾有500万玩家. That represents a very large share of the overall population considering the island is home to only 24 million people in total. 台湾游戏玩家, smartphone gaming is the most popular and the genre has almost doubled in market size since 2016. High smartphone penetration and affordable high speed data plans underpin the strong mobile segment, which is expected to represent 62 per cent  of total gaming revenue in 台湾 by the end of 2022 (up from 60 per cent in 2020).

台湾ese gamers are characterised by their high purchasing power and willingness to spend money on games. 台湾付费玩家的平均收益在全球排名第三.


就像世界上其他地方一样, the pandemic further accelerated market growth as more time spent at home increased the demand for video games. 2020年,台湾游戏市场增长了8%, in large part due to an increase of so-called “casual” gamers and the growing mobile gaming market segment.

台湾的手机游戏总收入排名世界第七. One key factor contributing to the rapidly growing mobile gaming segment is the casual gamers, of which make up 70 per cent  of the total market (the remaining 30 per cent being so-called “hardcore” gamers). 此外,手机游戏玩家思想开放,愿意尝试不同的游戏. 休闲玩家在每次游戏中花费的时间少于1小时, 超过90%的手机游戏玩家会坚持玩1到5款游戏.


而口碑营销和热门游戏自然会吸引消费者, 手机游戏市场的一个主要驱动力是IP/游戏授权. 具有强大IP的游戏在台湾具有很高的吸引力和广泛的应用, 它们通常都能获得可观的下载量. 除了IP开发成游戏专营权, 比如《诸神黄昏》, 《十大平台网赌下载最新在线体育》和《十大平台网赌下载最新在线体育》, 游戏内部IP合作已经成为一种普遍而成功的营销策略. Various top-charting mobile games feature IP to provide gamers with in-game outfits or exclusive items. 特别是, 日本动画, 字符, 和文化对台湾玩家特别有吸引力.


您是否考虑将台湾作为您扩张旅程的下一站? We have identified key challenges and opportunities to consider when entering the 台湾ese gaming market.

  • 十大平台网赌下载最新在线体育游戏开发者最大的机遇在于手机平台. Smartphone gamers in 台湾 embrace novelties quickly and have a high propensity to spend on games.
  • The life cycle of mobile games on the 台湾ese market is short and the competition is fierce. Companies that are innovative and quick to adapt in a fast-paced environment will have the edge.
  • The most popular games in 台湾 are created specifically for the Northeast Asian market with clear linguistic and cultural adaptation. 也就是说, emphasising the game’s Swedish or 欧洲an origin can be advantageous in its own uniqueness.
  • 考虑到其他周边市场的挑战, 台湾可以成为十大平台网赌下载最新在线体育游戏开发商在该地区的主要市场, 尤其是中文游戏.

We recommend finding a local business partner with knowledge of the market who canidentify any cultural or linguistic gaps in your games, 以及准确定位合适的分销和营销渠道. 在考虑与台湾游戏开发公司合作时, we recommend you to determine clear criterias and expectations as well as defining the needed game developing expertise of your local counterpart.

十大平台网赌下载最新在线体育商业 has been conducting partner searches and market introductions in 台湾 since the early 1990s and we have  broad understanding of the general market as well as of the local gaming industry. We are more than happy to assist you and your company with market information and strategic consultation to ensure an effortless and successful market entry.

Do not  hesitate to contact 十大平台网赌下载最新在线体育商业 in 台北 to find out more or to set up an introductory meeting.